Unlock a new method of sales prospecting
Influence Board platform helps you to secure conversations with hard-to-reach Business Influencers by donating to their favorite worthy causes.

Harness the Power of Philanthropy

How the Platform Works

Meeting Requesters
Business Influencers help you pre-qualify interest by providing topics relevant to their needs through our platform. You fund the influencer’s favorite worthy causes each time they accept a conversation with you, providing an added incentive to meet and an added motivation to listen closely to your pitch.
Business Influencers
Take control of unsolicited conversation requests. First, pre-screen the requests for relevance to ensure that neither party wastes their time. Second, limit the number of requests you accept to keep it manageable. When you do this, you can see a material donation go to worthy causes you are passionate about for each conversation you accept.

Triple Win Solution
A truly unique and mutually beneficial Win/Win/Win sales process that not only benefits business leaders and salespeople, but also generates funds for worthy causes, creating a positive impact that goes beyond just the bottom line.

Filter out the noise of unsolicited conversation requests by only taking relevant pre-screened requests that also provide an opportunity to give back.
Tap into a new source of donations when business development funds are converted into social impact. A sales process that acts as a fund multiplier for charitable causes.
Join a platform that facilitates predictable, productive conversations with an ever-expanding pool of business influencers.